[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Pre Analytics

  1. Blood collection materials
    This range offers a complete blood collection system of tubes, needles, needle holders, tourniquets and safety devices, for venous and capillary specimen collection and transportation.
  2. Specimen (sample) collection materials
    We have a specimen collection portfolio of tubes, swabs, vials and cups, we also provide storage and transportation facilities in the required pre diagnostic environment.



    1. Haematology
      We offer complete testing solutions from a health centre with a CBC + 3 part differential equipment to a referral centre with a CBC + 5 part differential and clinical research parameters testing equipment and all their reagents, calibrators and quality controls.
    2. Coagulation
      We offer all range of Coagulation Analyzers, reagents, consumables and controls.
    3. Microbiology
      We offer testing solutions for diagnosis of infectious disease and microbial infections. This covers automated blood culture instruments, bacterial identification and susceptibility testing instruments. We also offer dehydrated and prepared culture media, susceptibility discs, environmental monitoring and QA/QC organisms and applications.
    4. Clinical Chemistry
      We offer complete testing solutions; spectrophotometers, electrolyte analysis to fully automated random access analyzers with their associated reagents, calibrators, consumables and quality controls.
    5. Immunology
      We offer immunoassay analyzers, reagents, consumables and controls for testing viral infections, cardiac markers, cancer markers and fertility hormones.
    6. CD4 Equipment & reagent
      We offer advanced clinical diagnostic systems for laboratories utilizing flow cytometry, micro volume fluorimetry and molecular techniques providing absolute and percentage results of CD4 T lymphocytes to test and monitor progression of HIV/AIDS.
    7. Blood Banking
      We offer solutions in the blood transfusion process from collection, separation to storage. Products include blood bags, blood by-products, and cold chain storage. We also offer blood processing solutions for blood safety testing, grouping and cross matching in both; automated and standardized manual methods for safe transfusion.
    8. Histology
      Products include fume hood, strainers, microtome baths and microscopes to aid in the tissue processing. We also offer antibodies used in immune histo-chemistry.
    9. POINT OF CARE Diagnostics
      POC Diabetes Care: We offer innovative insulin pumps as a medical device used for the administration of insulin, in the treatment of diabetes.We offer both for home and professional use testing devices and services such as glucose test meters and treatment follow-up monitors. Additionally we have insulin syringes, pen needles and lancets with thin and short cannula.
    10. Rapid test kits
      We offer rapid diagnostic kits in strip and cassette format. These include HBsAG, PF/PAN, HIV, CrAgLFA, H. Pylori, pregnancy test, syphilis, HCV, FOB, and urinalysis strips.
    11. Polymerase Chain Reaction
      We offer thermo cyclers, primers, buffers, readers, and other accessories used in the technology of molecular biology and DNA amplification.
    12. Parasitology
      We offer various methods of diagnosis, prevention & control of diseases caused by parasites. These include testing for plasmodium, amoeba and worms.
